The "Legitimacy" Campaign
Dodgeball has come a long way. Yet, despite the 15 year distance from when "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story" was released, numerous appearances of professional players on televised productions, countless mainstream media articles, viral videos and even some airtime with "ESPN," many avid and passionate Dodgeball players still find themselves at the receiving end of the tried and true reaction: "you play Dodgeball, oh, so just like the movie?"
While it's true that in many ways, Dodgeball to this day still has some ties to the movie. Many of the characters, quotes and hilarious moments still linger and are held dear to many a Dodgeball player, however, this statement is generally met with a collective eye roll and a silent "when will this ever been taken seriously?" when talking about their passion to someone that just doesn't understand the game.
For many, Dodgeball has become more than just a weeknight recreational experience. Many players have evolved outside of their local gyms and committed to hours of playing time, shelled out thousands of hard-earned dollars, and traversed miles to go to and engage in the best this sport has to offer from across the nation, to even across the world. In other words, to many players, Dodgeball has become substantially more than just a "hobby." Its become a staple in many lives.
So when all of that is reduced to "if you can dodge a wrench..." or a recital of the 5 "D's," or other movie sound bytes, it does still sting a little. Yet many take it with a grain of salt and secretly yearn for the day when Dodgeball will be taken seriously by those that remain outside of the court.
With the formation of robust organizations such as the National Collegiate Dodgeball Association, Elite Dodgeball, followed by the World DodgeBall Federation and recently, USA Dodgeball, many incredible moves have been made to bring us closer to that fateful day.
While these are massive moves on the macro scale, many players have taken upon themselves to help bring about this change as well. From the Dodgeball Tribune, to incredible highlight videos, the Dodgeball Community is chalk full of producers with hopes of bringing more legitimacy to the sport and Ballistae is no different.
Hence, the Legitimacy Campaign. By incorporating the Ballistae brand with renowned players across the US, Ballistae hopes to transform the outside perception of the Dodgeball player into an image worthy of conventional sports athletes. By capturing players in their element, repping their current competitive team, a quick quote on how they feel prior to taking the court, and the phenomenal post-editing work of Kenneth Christerson, Ballistae hopes to start providing the Social Media outlets with a look that while our inner circles can hopefully appreciate, will start to change the way people outside fo the gym perceive Dodgeball.

It is our aim to "Elevate the game. One player at a time" and we will continue to do this until our athletes receive the credibility and legitimacy of the sport that we've all been longing for.
If you're interested in becoming part of this ongoing campaign, let us know.