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    News — Dodgeball

    2021 Half Year Update

    2021 Half Year Update

    Well, we're halfway through 2021 and it may be safe to say things are looking better than where we were a year ago. Dodgeball is slowly coming back as COVID-19 restrictions slowly lift and within a few months, we'll all hopefully see some semblance of normal, pre COVID-19 life.

    It may be news to some, but I (Steve Damon) am currently deployed overseas. While navigating the pandemic, my "day job" transitioned from Liaison Officer for the Operation Guardian Support "Border Mission" (2018-2020) to Mobilization Projects Officer, where I basically rejoined my unit, put my head down and focused like a fiend on getting my unit out the door. 
    Never Go Full Hooah
    As my then current Commander prepared to exit, much of my unit's successful mobilization and transition fell on me. I had many highs, a lot to learn, but I must've done well for not only am I sitting in my new deployed home writing this, but I am doing so almost 1 year from having taken command of my unit. Not too shabby.
    Ballistae, as marked in our "Oh, 2020" blog definitely took a bit of a back seat, but during this time, I have successful migrated most of our kneepad inventory to Fulfillment By Amazon, which will hopefully provide our supporters with quicker access to our makeshift product, but also open the market up to both Canada and Mexico.
    Additionally, thanks to the genius of Felix Perrone, we discovered a way to play Dodgeball virtually in the coming game: Dodge! A Tactical Dodgeball Game, which blends elements of Turn Based RPG strategy and a Dungeons and Dragons feel. This is my first official forray into game making and I cannot be more excited to check one of my long hopeful boxes off upon its release later this year. Stay tuned for more information on updates, its release in future coming blogs and via our social media.
    Player One
    As we continue to look forward to the day we're all playing physical Dodgeball again, Ballistae continues to work in the background until we're there. 

    Oh 2020...

    If Ballistae had a 2020 Face...
    2020 started off with such promise. With the early months breaking 2019 sales records, incredible footage and images from events passed to reinforce our brand, new feedback and ideas in the works, we stood poised to hit the Dodgeball community with...

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    Protector of the Court Series

    Protector of the Court Series

    Moving forward, Ballistae's Protector of the Court seeks to interview and breakdown the Dodgeball Communities most memorable and impactful plays in hopes to provide an opportunity to understand what is taking place behind some of Dodgeball's most talented players, but also, provide entertainment and an opportunity for outsiders to better get know the great game of Dodgeball and understand or at the very least respect its complexities.

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